MicroK8S and WSL Managed by Azure Arc

A blog series about my experiences with MicroK8S, WSL, and Azure Arc

MicroK8S and WSL Managed by Azure Arc

I recently started a new job with a company that isn’t a 100% Microsoft shop. It has been many years since I have worked in a environment that everyone wasn’t drinking the Microsoft Kool-Aid. Not a bad thing if you do, I did and I loved that flavor. However, new job means new challenges and new way of doing things.

In this blog series I am going to discuss my experiences with MicroK8S. Since that is a solution that seems to be one of the favorites in a lot of meetings I am in. So,sit right back and hear my tail, a tail of a fateful experience, that started from my lack of experience, aboard this MicroK8s ship! The blogger a bearded and burly man, a learning, eager and pure. Many people will try to read this blog, for a 3 hour technical deep dive for sure. (Thanks Gilligan! I am guessing just my older readers will understand this one?)

The blog will be broken up into the following three sections:

  1. Installing MicroK8s on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  2. Azure Arc-enabled servers: Installing Azure Connected Machine Agent
  3. Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes: Connecting my MicroK8S cluster to Azure

Who knows? I may extend this blog series to much more. Right now, I feel those are the 3 areas I am going to focus on.